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Bring Your Own Device - HS and HOA

For High School and Hampton Online Academy students only, the district recognizes that some students may be more comfortable using their own device, as opposed to the device assigned by the District.  If a student has access to an equivalent device through their household that is personally assigned and not shared with others in the household, the family may elect to decline delivery of the District assigned device.  Please notify the district of your intent to have your child bring their own device, by submitting the below BYOD response form.

Personal devices should at minimum meet, or exceed, the specifications of District assigned devices, as outlined at the end of the One2One Device Program FAQ to ensure a student's ability to access digital resources and actively participate in instructional activities. Example: Windows Laptop, iPad with Keyboard, MacBook, Chromebook.  Smart phones are not considered a suitable alternative personal device.

Use of a personal device is a privilege and it is expected that the same rules of computer/technology use as detailed in the student Handbook and District Policies be followed.

Important requirements and considerations for this option:

  • Students are responsible for securing and protecting their device from loss or damage.  The district is not responsible for any loss or damage of personal devices.
  • Personal devices may not meet the needs of all classes or electronic assessment systems and therefore a district provided system would be needed (example: Architectural Design, Robotics, A.W. Beattie courses, certain Hampton Online Academy courses, and SAT or PSAT assessments).
  • Parents/Guardians may have insurance coverage for personal devices through the reseller, homeowners coverage or other means.
  • Personal devices must have antivirus/malware protection software installed and working. This is not provided by the district for personal devices.
  • Personal devices can be connected to WiFi Internet through the District guest network.
  • The District guest WiFi network has Internet Filtering in place, but the district has no filtering for personal devices on networks outside of its buildings.
  • Students are required to use their District assigned username and accounts for all school related work and activities.
  • Select software programs are able to be downloaded and installed on a limited number of personal devices when a student is signed into their District account.  For example: Microsoft Office and creative cloud tools from Adobe.


  • If technology assistance is needed, please see our Help Desk. The District has limited ability to provide any technical support for personal device software or hardware issues. Furthermore the district is not responsible for any issues that may occur while a personal device is connected to the district network or if any available software or apps are installed on personal devices.

Having reviewed the information above, please complete the form below if you wish to proceed with the BYOD option.

Note: If a form is not displayed below, please try a different web browser such as Microsoft Edge, Chrome or Firefox.