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Immunization Requirements

The PA Department of Health changed school immunization regulations beginning in August 2017. The regulations are intended to ensure that children attending school in the commonwealth are adequately protected against potential outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases.

A child must have required vaccines or risk exclusion from school.
A child must have the required medically appropriate vaccines or a plan to complete those vaccines or risk exclusion from school. A child may obtain a medical, religious, or philosophical exemption from meeting the immunization requirements. Talk to your child's pediatrician about the vaccines your child needs to attend school.

Please see the list below of required immunizations for the current school year. 

PA Department of Health and Immunization Requirements

Pennsylvania Public School Code, Article XIV, Section 1402 mandates that all students in Pennsylvania schools receive the following medical exams.

Physical exam:
  • Upon entering school for the first time (kindergarten or grade one)

  • Grade 6

  • Grade 11

Dental exam:
  • Upon entering school for the first time (kindergarten or grade one)
  • Grade 3
  • Grade 7

Forms may be obtained from the school nurse or downloaded from this site.  

Completed forms should be returned to the school nurse.

Exam may be performed up to one year prior to start of the required school year. 

Pennsylvania Mandated Immunizations:

4 doses of DTaP (last dose after 4th birthday)
4 doses of Polio (last dose after 4th birthday)
3 doses of HepB 
2 doses of MMR 
2 doses of Varicella
Lead testing


7th grade: 
1 dose of MCV (given after 11th birthday)
1 dose of Tdap (given after 11th birthday)
12th graders: 

2 doses of MCV (second dose given after 16th birthday)

The law provides that students NOT IN COMPLIANCE with these requirements MUST BE EXCLUDED from the start of the school year until the student provides verification of the immunizations received, has a scheduled plan signed by the physician, or obtains an exemption signed according to the provisions of the law. Medical and religious exemptions are accepted. Exemption letters must be signed and dated by a parent/guardian.