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Pennsylvania Public School Code, Article XIV, Section 1402 requires that students receive health screenings at specific grades levels.
Vision: Annually - grades Kindergarten through grade 12
Hearing: Annually - grades Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 7, and 11
Height and Weight: including calculation of Body Mass Index
Annually - grades Kindergarten through grade 12
Scoliosis (abnormal curvature of the spine): Grades 6 and 7

(The sixth grade screening is generally done by the child's physician as part of the mandated physical exam.)

Parents or teachers may request additional screenings at any time if a problem is suspected.

Parent Notification: 

2024-2025 School Health Update

Annual Health Screenings 

Annual health screenings have been completed for the 2024-2025 school year.  Below is the list of assessments completed at each grade level: 

  • Height, weight, and BMI: All grades K-12 

  • Vision: All grades K-12 

  • Hearing: Grades K-3, 7, and 11 

  • Scoliosis: Grades 6-7 

If you have not heard from your child’s school nurse, your child has passed their yearly screenings.  

A Body Mass Index (BMI) for age percentile was also calculated to help assess the results. If you wish to know your child’s current height, weight, and BMI, please contact your child’s school nurse. 

High School: Kirsten Nelson, 412-492-6384 
Middle School: Amy Baxter, 412-492-6361
Elementary Schools: Dawn Gunnett, 412-492-6323 

Links below to read more about BMI: 

Healthy Weight and Growth

BMI Information



