Elementary Music
All elementary students participate in general music classes in grades K-5, and are encouraged to participate in band, chorus, and orchestra classes in grades 4 and 5. Our robust elementary music program aims to provide students experiences in a rich variety of listening and performing activities.
Meet Our Teachers
Laura Arledge - Poff Elementary School Music Teacher
Poff Elementary School - Vocal Music, Chorus, Band
Central and Wyland Elementary Schools - Band
Sean Desguin - Elementary Band Director
Central, Poff, and Wyland Elementary Schools - Band
Kristin Bumblis - Central Elementary School Music Teacher
Central Elementary School - Vocal Music, Chorus
Shannon Hetrick - Middle School Band Director
Poff Elementary School - Band
Mary Magdic - Wyland Elementary School Music Teacher
Wyland Elementary School - Vocal Music, Orchestra, Chorus
Amy Stepson - Elementary Orchestra Director
Central and Poff Elementary Schools - Orchestra