800 Operations
Operations - Board Policy
800 Records Management
800.1 Electronic Records/Signatures
801 Public Records
802 School Organization
803 School Calendar
804 School Day
805 Emergency Evacuation of Schools
805.1 Acceptable Use of Rapid Notification System
806 Mandated Reporting of Child/Student Abuse
807 Opening Exercises/Flag Displays
808 Food Services
808.1 Nutrition Program
809 Lunch Accounts
810 Transportation
810.1 Drug and Alcohol Testing - Covered Drivers
810.2 Transportation-Video/Audio Recording
811 Bonding
812 Property Insurance
813 Other Insurance
814 Copyright Material
814.1 Use of District Developed Materials
815 Acceptable Use of Internet
815.1 Technology
815.2 Computer Use
815.3 District Web Site
818 Contracted Services
819 Suicide/Suicide Prevention
820 Memorials
821 Awards and Recognition
822 Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
824 Maintaining Professional Adult-Student Boundaries
825 State Mandate Waivers
827 Conflict of Interest
830 Security of Computerized Personal Information
830.1 Data Governance
836 Social Media