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Safety & Security

The Hampton Township School District takes the safety and security of our students and staff seriously. The District actively reviews security practices and crisis response protocols, making adjustments as needed to improve upon current practices.

Among the security measures the District already has instituted:

  • A Hampton Township Police officer is stationed at the High School throughout the school day and is available, as needed, at other District buildings.
  • Exterior doors for all buildings are locked during the school day and all visitors must enter and exit through the main entrances.
  • All buildings have a captured vestibule to enhance building security.
  • Classrooms have a “Go Bag” which are equipped with items, including medical supplies, that may be useful during any emergency situation.
  • Various staff members are equipped with additional communication tools such as walkie-talkies, bull horns, and access to electronic crisis protocols to be used during a wide variety of emergency situations.
  • District-wide crisis communication and emergency protocols have been reviewed and updated.

The protocol to manage visitors to the school buildings also changed within the District. All buildings are equipped with a captured vestibule design to direct visitors to a central check-in location before being granted access to the buildings. The captured vestibule process is enhanced with SchoolGate Guardian, a visitor management system which requires school visitors to provide state-issued identification at the time of arrival. The system is able to use the identification to conduct a brief background check on the visitor before granting access to the building. Learn more about the School Gate Guardian System here

Communication and cooperation are key components in providing a safe and secure environment for faculty and staff, which is why the District also has been meeting with police and emergency responders to coordinate a crisis response effort. The District has hosted walk-through planning sessions with first responders from the Hampton Township Police Department, the Hampton Volunteer Fire Department, the Shaler-Hampton EMS and the District transportation providers.