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News & Media

Hampton Students and the Media

Individual and/or group interviews, photographs, or videotapes of Hampton Township School District students may be taken during the school year for use by the District in various publications, for use in the media, and for use on the District website.

Hampton encourages opportunities for positive media publicity by:

  • Arranging for reporters or photographers to interview and/or photograph students.
  • Using unidentified photographs of students on the District website. If it becomes important to identify students in photos, the District will obtain written parental permission. 
  • Recognizing achievement on the District website by using the student's first name and last initial (example -- Mark X.).


Information for Members of the Media

The Hampton Township School District works cooperatively with members of the media to provide accurate information about District events and activities. Members of the media who are interested in reporting on a story regarding the Hampton Township School District or relevant topic, or who wish to arrange an interview with a student or faculty member, are encouraged to review the information below.

Interviewing/Photographing District Staff or Students

Upon request, the Hampton Township School District provides access to District Administrators, Faculty and Students to discuss current issues and for photographing special events. As a matter of courtesy, the District's Communications Office contacts parents prior to any interview with the media to request permission. Members of the media who seek contact information for students for similar purposes will be screened by the Communications Office, and parental consent also will be obtained before any information is shared. 

To arrange an interview, please contact the Communications Office at 412-492-6312 or via email.  

Visiting District Schools

All visitors to the Hampton Township School District – which includes members of the media – are required to sign in and receive a visitor’s badge in the main office, and to be accompanied by either the Communications Office or Administrative Team Member during their visit. To schedule a visit, please contact the Communications Office at 412-492-6312 or via email.

School Board Documents and Meeting Dates

School Board Meeting agendas, minutes and Board Notes are available on the District Website on the School Board section.


Communications Office Contact:

Mr. Zach D'Amico, Communications Consultant


Mrs. Karen Wheeler, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
