The District website, established in 2001, continues to grow as a community source for instant information with an average of more than one million hits to the site monthly.
The District Dispatch, the District's newsletter contained in Hampton Magazine, is published four times annually. The magazine is distributed to all Hampton residents and is one way the District keeps those without students informed of events and programs.
Key Communicators meet with the Superintendent monthly to discuss educational issues. The meetings are attended by representatives of each building's PTO who serve as conduits of information to their buildings.
Parents regularly access Infinite Campus, a secure Internet-accessible service, that allows parents and students to view their current grades in all classes from the comfort of their homes.
Parents may view their student's cafeteria accounts online.
Community members are a vital component in District decision-making and are regularly part of committees and panels that offer input as programs are added and modified.
Each week, the Elementary Schools prepare and post on their website Weekly Packets of information and notices to parents.
The High School and Middle School Daily Announcements are reprinted on the District Website to help keep parents in the loop.
The Board Report is a comprehensive overview of the School Board meetings and is posted here as soon as available.
Board Minutes are posted after they are approved, usually the month following the meeting.
The District's Activities Calendar, containing scheduling and other vital information, is produced annually and distributed to Township households with students in public school. A web version is available online. Hard copies are available from the Administration Building at a cost of $5 each.
The Hampton High School Profile, describing the most recent graduating class, is included with students' applications to colleges and universities.