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Real Estate Tax Payment Information

The District utilizes Jordan Tax Service, Inc. for processing all Real Estate Tax payments through their McMurry (Peters Township) location.

Payments can be made in person or via the U.S. Postal Service at:

Jordan Tax Service, Inc.

102 Rahway Road

McMurray, PA 15317-3349

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Residents may also contact the office with inquiries at 724-731-2311 or via email at


A Jordan Tax Representative will be available at the Township of Hampton Municipal Building, 3101 McCully Road, Allison Park, PA 15101 on select dates during the months of July and September 2020. For the scheduled dates and times please click HERE.


Local Tax Return is Due May 17, 2021


Please note that the PA Department of Revenue announced that Pennsylvania’s 2020 tax filing deadlines have been extended to May 17, 2021 to match the Federal deadlines.  For local EIT purposes, please be advised that Keystone is extending the Individual filing deadlines to match the State and Federal date of May 17, 2021.  Penalty and interest will not be assessed on Tax Year 2020 Final Return payments until after May 17, 2021.


Did you know the quickest way to get your refund is to file online? If you live and work in Pennsylvania, you can e-file on our tax administrator’s secure website, which is available 24/7 at


 Keystone Collections Group’s e-file is the easy, fast and secure way to file your 2020 tax return. It lets you file your tax return when it is most convenient for you. You will need your W-2, your Social Security Number and any other income documents that may apply (such as a PA-UE or a Schedule C).

Keystone redesigned e-file to make it even faster and more user-friendly.



 If you have questions regarding local tax filing, call Keystone’s Taxpayer Helpline at 1-888-328-0565 to speak with a local, knowledgeable Taxpayer Service Agent. You may also email your questions to “Taxpayer Support” at


 Taxpayers with earned income in 2020 are required to file a tax return by MAY 17, 2021.



Keystone's Taxpayer Helpline 1-888-328-0565


Keystone Collections Group has a new phone line dedicated exclusively for taxpayer inquiries. 

Connect Direct

Keystone's Taxpayer Helpline will connect you directly to a professional Taxpayer Service Agent, reducing wait times and bypassing menu options to bring you the fastest and most reliable answers to your tax questions.

Email 24/7

You can also send inquiries via email 24/7 to Keystone. Go to: > "Contact Us"